Using Complementary Colors in Grid Journaling
Complementary colors are opposite colors on the color wheel and they have an interesting relationship to each other. When you mix one with the other they begin to neutralize each other, giving you gorgeous muted colors and interesting brown and gray shades. You can try a blue and orange combination like I am today, or you can try a yellow and purple combo or a red and green combo. Keep black and white on your palette to lighten and darken your mixes and see how many different colors you can create.
Did you notice the unusual mark making tools I experimented with? Things like a piece of shelf liner, bubble wrap, and sticks. Your art becomes even more spontaneous and unique when you use things like this because it leaves marks that you can’t plan.
You begin to roll with what happened and let it guide you towards your next mark. It’s a process of letting go and allowing yourself to get comfortable with the unknown. Letting yourself explore without judgment is a powerful way to sink into your creative practice.
Art is a process of self-discovery. You get to notice what you love, process thoughts and emotions that you don’t have words for, and make interesting things along the way.
Sometimes you’ll love what you make and other times you won’t, but it’s all part of the journey. Enjoy the process more than the finished results.
Art Supplies Mentioned
Note: Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase through a link.
Canson Watercolor XL Sketchbook -
Liquitex Cerulean Blue -
Matisse Burnt Sienna -
Willow Charcoal -
Brush set -
Blackwing pencils -
Carbon black paint -
Titanium white paint -
Stabilo woody pencils -
Pigma micron pens -
Neocolor crayons -
Bubble wrap
Shelf liner